English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 24, 2010

Introducing Two Strangers

Introducing one of your friend to another friend. In such situations there are generally three people involved. One the introducer, second and third the introducee.

Jack:- Hi Johnny, Have you met Mary?

Johnny:- No, who is she?

Jack:- Johnny she is Mary, and Mary he is Johnny.

Mary:- Please to meet you Johnny.

Johnny:- Nice to meet to you too Mary.

Another way of the same conversation could be:-

Seema:- Do you know each other?

Raano:- No.

Seema:- Let me introduce you to one of my very good friend. Ranno she is Supriya. And Supriya she is Raano.

Supriya:- Nice to meet you.

Raano:- Same here.

Seema:- Both of you continue talking i'll catch you in 5-10 mins.

Raano:- So, how do you know Seema?

Supriya:- We met together at computer classes. From there only our friendship started.

Raano:- Ok, Seema is really very sweet friend.

Supriya:- Yes, she is. We really had very good time there at computer classes. We enjoyed a lot.

Raano:- That's great. So, what else do you like?

Supriya:- Sometimes i love to cook. But most of the time i prefer listening music in my free time. And what are your hobbies?

Raano:- Mine is also same. I also love listening music in my spare time and sometimes like to cook some new dishes.

Supriya:- Oh, really our taste is so similar.

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