English Conversation Lessons

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Switch on the Air Conditioner

Your friend came to your house in summer. While talking he sweats completely and asks you to switch on the air conditioner.

Riya:- Its very hot day today....

You:- Yes, it is...

Riya:- If you have an air conditioner then please switch it on...

You:- We do have it, see there is the air conditioner window. But its too small that's why it does not cool properly.

Riya:- Oh, this is a problem..I think you should talk to your landlord regarding this.

You:- We have talked many times but he is not paying much attention to it.

Riya:- In such case I think you must leave this flat and should move to another....as you are paying much more rent then this flat deserves..

You:- Ya, I know. We are planning for this.

Riya:- I think you should have left it till now

You:- But it was not possible since the leased period was not over.

Riya:- Ok, then when you are planning to change your flat. Just inform me once may be I could help you in any case.

You:- Oh, thanks for your concern. May be at the end of next month we will start searching for the new flat.

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