English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 24, 2010

Buying Daily things from a Store

Having conversation with a shopkeeper

Paul:- Give me 2kg of flour, 2kg of sugar, and 1 kg Moong dal.

Shopkeeper:- (to his salesman) Bring and pack all the things what sir has said.

Shopkeeper to Paul:- Sir everything is ready do you need anything else.

Paul :- Let me think...

Shopkeeper:- Till then i keep your bill ready.

Paul:- Yes, i do need 1/2 kg of all purpose flour(maida) and 1 Packet of Society tea.

Shopkeeper:- Ok sir, here is your packet and this is your bill.

Paul:- How much is of sugar?

Shopkeeper:- Sugar is of 30Rs kg

Paul:- No less amount have you done?

Shopkeeper:- Its already reasonable sir.

Paul:- Ok.

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