English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 24, 2010

Planning to Expand the Business

Your friend is planning to expand his business and regarding this both of you have conversation

Ashish:- Good morning Ajay! What's going on.......

Ajay:- Very good morning to you too....nothing special same daily routine..

Ashish:- I am planning to expand my business.

Ajay:- That's very nice. But all this, all of a sudden. Your business is already running very nice as i know.

Ashish:- Yes, its going on well but if you think of future there could be problems.

Ajay:- I didn't got you? What do you want to say exactly?

Ashish:- See, now a days at what speed everything is getting expensive. From our daily usage things like vegetables,fruits to the things like gold, silver etc.....

Ajay:- That's right....

Ashish:- So, if we will not plan now what will happen in future to our children's? How we will manage their expenses like their studies, their manidatory requirements etc. And you know well that now a days giving good education to your children is just becoming out of reach for a middle class family. So, how can we think of giving good higher education?

Ajay:- You are saying right. Everyone thinks of today but no one thinks of future.

Ashish:- That's why i'm planning for tommorrow today itself, so that my children's and my family can live happily without any financial problem in the coming future. They can manage their expenses very easily.

Ajay:- So, what's your plan?

Ashish:- You know that i have kid's garment store.I'm planning now to keep all variety of garments of all age children's. But still its just a plan. Nothing is final as its not that so easy. It needs lots of investment in terms of money, time and manpower.

Ajay:- Plan is good...now i'm also worried for the coming future. We all must plan it before hand to avoid future misfortune.

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