English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 31, 2010

Conversation Regarding Stock

You are having conversation with one of your staff regarding stock.

Mr. Ramesh:- Prasad come into my cabin.

Prasad:- Yes sir, have you called me?

Mr. Ramesh:- Yes, if you are free than i would like to know the status of the stock.

Prasad:- Yes sir, i'm free. I'm coming in just 5mins with the stock Register.

Mr. Ramesh:- Ok, go and get it fast. I have to leave for an urgent meeting.

Prasad:-Sir, here is the stock register. There are the entire details of the stock that has been sold this month and what is left.

Mr. Ramesh:- Do we need any off season sale to take out any stock that is left in abundance?

Prasad:- No sir its not needed. There was a good sale since last 3months.

Mr. Ramesh:- Ok. That is nice.

Prasad:- Sir, i need to discuss some products price with you.

Mr. Ramesh:- That discussion we can have afterwards. I'm running late for my meeting and have to leave.

Prasad:- Ok, sir as you say.

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