English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 31, 2010

Conversation Regarding Buying New Stock

You are having a talk with your brother or father regarding buying the new stock for winter's.

Krishna:- Winter's are soon to come. I think we must purchase winter's stock since customer's also had started coming for winter collection.

Brother:- There is still lot of summer's collection remaining. And we also don't have that much finance available to get winter stock.

Krishna:- As far as the stock of summer is concerned we can put on a sale on some items and some can be kept in the godown for the next year.

Brother:- And what about finance?

Krishna:- Bro, when we will put on the sale for the summer's collection then some part of our money will be get freed.

Brother:- Ya, i agree with you but still lots of money will be required for winter collection as you know winter collection requires much more investment.

Krishna:- Hmmmm, you are right. In that case we can take some loan from a bank or can take some finance from a financer on a particular rate of interest.

Brother:- Idea is nice but still we need to talk to papa before taking any decision.

Krishna:- Sure why not.

Brother:- So, today at evening at dinner i will talk to papa regarding this.

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