English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 24, 2010

Father Discussing With His Son About His Future Plans

You are having the conversation with your son that after 12th what is he planning to do.

Dad:- What are you doing Ali?

Ali:- Oh, nothing dad just doing preparation for my board exams.

Dad:- So, how is your preparation going on?

Ali:- Fine dad, almost all the subjects are completed. Only little bit of vector mathematics, and last two chapters of physics are left.

Dad:- That's good. So, what have you planned of doing after 12th?

Ali:- Actually dad I'm little bit confused. I do have some plans but due to confusion I'm unable to decide what should i do finally.

Dad:- What are you thinking of doing? Tell me may be I can help you.

Ali:- Actually if i think according to my subjects then i must go for engineering. But i do have interest in doing PO.

Dad:- Why are you thinking of PO?  Engineering is really very good option for you.

Ali:- Ya, dad it is. But now days every year thousands of engineers are passing out. So, as compared to the number of engineers passing out, jobs are few. And also in engineering it will be a private sector job. But if compared to PO there are not that many PO's passing every year and also job is in the government sector.

Dad:- Hmmm, That is right but then also I'll suggest you only one thing that both the options are really good. Go only for the one in which you have a keen interest. Don't go on anyone's saying. As both are good in their area's. Ok, now you continue with your studies. I have to go for some work. We can have this discussion after your exams also. All the best for your exams.

Ali:- Bye Dad.

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