English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 24, 2010

Father's Discussion with his Son

Father discussing with his son that how was his day at school today

Father:- Hello son, Good evening.

John:- Hello papa.

Father:- So, how was your day today at school?

John:- It was very nice. We enjoyed a lot.

Father:- What happened so exciting today at school that you enjoyed so much?

John:- Actually today we were practicing for inter house Cricket tournament.

Father:- Oh, that's really nice.

John:- Yes, papa first of all there was a selection round. In that sir tested every student on various parameters like his past record, one's running stamina, balling, batting etc. Each student was judged by the sir on same parameters and then finally team was selected. And you know papa sir slected me as a main Batsman. I'm really happy.

Father:- I'm proud of you my son. This is really great. But tell me all this process must have took the entire day. So, what about studies? Were there no classes held today?

John:- Yes, papa this process took the entire day and still no classes were suspended.

Father:- So, what about your studies they will suffer in between of these tournaments.

John:- No papa as soon as the tournaments will start classes will be suspended for that period of time. And yes, only the students who are participating can leave the class principal has said so.

Father:- So, how will you cover your syllabus?

John:- After one week tournaments are starting. So only for a week we have to bunk the classes. But principal sir has organized extra classes after the tournament for the students who are participating so that no one suffers due to curricular activities
Father:- That's really good idea of your principal. Like this student's interested in playing can play also without having loss of their studies. All the best for your tournament. But do pay attention on your studies parallely.

John:- Thank You papa.

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