English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 31, 2010

Conversation At Bank For Making Demand Draft

You want a demand draft of Rs.2000. For this you go to the bank.

Nawab:- I wanted a demand draft of Rs. 2000 so at which counter i shall go.

Murli:- Sir, you just go to the right. There will be a counter where cash is collected. There you just go and meet Mr. Girdhar. He will help you out.

Nawab:- Thank You for your assistance. Can i meet Mr. Girdhar.

Girdhar:- Yes, I am Mr. Girdhar. What do you want?

Nawab:- Actually i wanted a demand draft of Rs.2000.

Girdhar:- Ok, just give cash of Rs.2000 and tell to whom the demand draft has to be addressed and the name of  the organization.

Nawab:- Demand draft will be addressed to Mr. John of ABC Limited Company.

Girdhar:- Ok, you just wait for 5mins and your DD will be ready.

Nawab:- Ok.

Girdhar:- Here is your DD of Rs. 2000.

Nawab:- Thank You.

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