English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 31, 2010

Opening A Saving Account

You are going to open a saving account in a Bank.

Lalit:- Hello sir, i wanted to open a saving account in your bank.

Employee:- Ok sir, you just need to complete some formalities then your account will be opened.

Lalit:- What all formalities are required?

Employee:- I'm giving you a form you just need to fill up that form as a first step. Here is your form you just fill it. Later i will tell what all document will be required to complete the process.

Lalit:- Ok. (After filling up the form) Excuse me Sir, here is the form i have filled all the required information. Now just tell me what all documents are needed to complete the formalities.

Employee:- You just need a personnel verification document like your Pan Card or driving License, your voter card and address proof document. Just bring these three documents and get it attached with this filled form. As soon as you will do it your account will be opened.

Lalit:- Thank You for your guidance.

Employee:- Its our duty sir.

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