English Conversation Lessons

Friday, December 31, 2010

Launching telephone Complain

Calling telephone exchange for placing your telephone complain

Aryan:- Hello, is this telephone Exchange?

Employee:- Yes sir, how can i help you?

Aryan:- Actually i wanted to file a complain of my telephone.

Employee:- Ok, sir please tell me your telephone number?

Aryan:- My number is 0522-6754389

Employee:- What problem are you facing?

Aryan:- It sometimes goes entirely dead and sometimes it have the current but voice is not clear.

Employee:- Your complain has been launched. Kindly note down the complain number for further reference.

Aryan:- Yes, please tell me.

Employee:- It is 34567. I repeat 34567.

Aryan:- Thanks for your help.

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